Dare to Lead™ is a path to brave leadership and courageous work culture.
Over 50,000 leaders from various fields have improved their leadership skills through this workshop. Upon completing the program, you’ll receive a completion certificate and a Dare to Lead™ Trained badge for your LinkedIn profile.
This interactive leadership workshop will teach you the skills of courage and provide operationalized tools that can change how you lead and live.
What is the Dare to Lead™ Training?
As a tool for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures, the Dare to Lead™ Training focuses on building brave cultures and achieving results. The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. All four skills are covered in the training through interactive, experiential group learning.
Daring leadership is a collection of four courage skill sets that are 100% teachable, measurable, and observable. It’s about learning and practice that requires brave work, tough conversations, and showing up with our whole hearts.
Module 1: Rumbling with Vulnerability
Learn how to face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity, and empathy.
Module 2: Living Into our Values
Identify what you stand for and how to show up from a place of integrity every day.
Module 3: Braving Trust
Discover how to build meaningful and authentic connections with your teams, colleagues and customers so you can work together from a foundation of trust.
Module 4: Learning to Rise
Become aware of your leadership behaviors and learn how to show up and lead with courage – even when faced with failure, disappointment, and setbacks.
Who is the ideal Dare to Lead participant?
Dare to Lead™ is for anyone interested in developing their courageous leadership skills.
How is Dare to Lead delivered?
There are several ways to bring this work into your organization from keynotes and targeted breakout sessions, to the full 16-hour Dare to Lead™ program. We combine expert facilitation with an interactive approach full of activities, exercises, videos, thoughtful reflection, and growth.
How many sessions are required?
Both virtual and live trainings are available in various frequencies. We find great efficiency in multiple, shorter sessions to allow for the participants to practice what they are learning and come back to the training to refine practices.